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Methyl Factors+


METHYL FACTORS+ provides five essential methylation nutrients— 5-MTHF (methyl folate), vitamin B6, vitamin B2, vitamin B12, and betaine. Methylation is a biochemical process that impacts your body’s ability to regulate cardiovascular, neurological, reproductive, and detoxification systems. METHYL FACTORS+ also promotes homocysteine balance. Homocysteine is a common amino acid in your blood that influences your cardiovascular health. All ingredients offered in METHYL FACTORS+ come in their most bioavailable forms, meaning your body will be able to absorb and use what it needs more efficiently.

Quantity: 90 Capsules

‡ These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Methylation is a biochemical process that impacts the body’s ability to regulate cardiovascular, neurological, reproductive, and detoxification systems. Unfortunately, the nutrients needed for the methylation process are nearly impossible to get from the average American diet, mainly due to the abundance of processed foods and the loss of nutrients in our soil.[1] When taken daily, Methyl Factors+ provides five essential methylation nutrients—methylfolate (5-MTHF), active B6, active B2, active methyl B12, and betaine—in their most bioavailable forms. Using Methyl Factors+ with our clinically relevant dosing helps support methylation, detoxification, and cardiovascular health. One of methylation’s most important roles in the body is keeping homocysteine levels in check. Homocysteine is a common amino acid in your blood. Maintaining a desirable level of homocysteine is one of the leading biomarkers for the maintenance of good cardiovascular health. More good news? Preventing an undesirable homocysteine level is also associated with the maintenance of bone, female reproductive, cognitive, and neurological health.[2] 


Additional information

Weight 6 oz
Dimensions 3 × 3 × 4 in