DOT Physicals
We offer same day appointments on DOT Physicals. If you are a school or Fleet please contact us for special rates and privileges. Call now to schedule your appointment.
Call Us Today: (407) 732-4627
Meet Your Provider
Meagan Burgess, APRN-BC
Meagan was born and raised in Texarkana, Arkansas. After high school, she moved to Orlando, Florida where she has lived since 2006.
She enjoys traveling, boating, wake boarding, beach activities, cruising and spending time with family.
She completed her BSN at the University of Central Florida GO KNIGHTS! and her MSN at South University in Savannah, Georgia. She holds a board certification as a Family Nurse Practitioner from the ANCC.
Meagan is a co-founder of Caretinuum Health and helped develop the practice to provide comprehensive primary care the way patients and families want and need it. She has 8 years of clinical experience in critical care settings including Emergency Room, Home Health, Family Primary Care and Geriatric Nursing home/rehab care.
She believes that effective healing requires time to build direct therapeutic relationships with patients. With so many hard working people struggling with illness, long waits, and rushed visits, Meagan set out to build a clinic where every decision serves to make quality primary care more personal, convenient and valuable.
Caretinuum Health – DOT Physicals
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